Generation 2 · May 18, 2021 0


Hello, first trimester. We meet again. 


I can’t say I missed this.

It was such a beautiful, warm spring day, and Mommy kicked us out of the house and told us to have fun. Today is Luca’s birthday, and she wanted his last moments as a baby all to herself. We were free to do whatever we wanted, and I think our first instinct was to go somewhere. I thought about suggesting we go to the maker’s space and do some crafting. Yeah, remember our business? I can’t say it’s been on my mind much since Luca was born. Once this next baby can walk, I’ll consider making some headway with that. Especially if Mommy will stay with us. But it didn’t seem right to leave the house, knowing our son could spin out of the crib at any moment. I think Ali could tell I was just as conflicted as he was and suggested we stay at home and enjoy the sun. I loved that idea.


He played basketball, and I got way too dressed up to play outside. I hadn’t been to a club in ages! I’m not complaining because I’ll dance anywhere. I’ve enjoyed my new roles in life and understand it’s not feasible for me to be out much, anyway. But I kinda missed putting on a dress and heels, strutting into the building. It was highly impractical, but I didn’t care. I channeled Amina Pope, the fashionista, and strutted into the backyard to garden and play with Shiloh, though she wasn’t thrilled about continuing our lessons. I swear, she will learn to shake before either of us checks out of here!
