Generation 2 · February 23, 2021 0


I can’t believe how much fun Shiloh had while I unearthed ancient treasure! She bounded from bush to bush, chasing squirrels and whatever else dogs do with their imaginations. I was glad too because she’d spent most of the time in the rental house. When we got home, however, she wasn’t feeling well!

Her gait was wobbly like she was dizzy, and nasty looking drool oozed from her mouth! As sad as it made me to see her so uncomfortable, I had to laugh because we both came home scarred. Just as I was about to turn around and head back to the house, I got stung by bees!

Luckily they only hurt and weren’t poisonous.

(sigh) My vet stalker was there, and his cat was in terrible shape. At least he used a different kiosk this time. Heh, he went to the farthest one. I’m glad he learned the lesson.

To my surprise, he said hello! Must be trying to get back into my good graces, not that he was ever there. He can try. I honor and appreciate the effort. He still has no chance.