Generation 2 · February 4, 2021 0


I can’t concentrate. Part of me wonders if it’s too soon to invite Laurant to the dog park again while the other part knows I should invite Devonte instead since he wants to hang with me more. But the dog park is kinda me and Laurant’s thing. I don’t have to share everything with Devonte, right? What if I brought him to the park and Laurant is out for a stroll? It shouldn’t matter since none of us are dating and we’re all friends, but I wouldn’t want Laurant to see us together. At least not yet. But Laurant is my friend. Actually, I’ll be bold and say he’s my best friend. I should be able to hang out with him if I want. But when I do, I feel things, and that restarts the cycle all over again. Why do these things have to be so plumming complicated??