Generation 2 · March 8, 2021 0


I changed my streaks’ color again, and I love the blond! I’m not one to stay in the mirror, but I loved my hair so much and couldn’t stop looking at it. Maybe I’ll make my whole head that color. 

I hadn’t been to the club in forever, and the dancefloor was calling my name. I went back to the Blue Velvet in Willow Creek. Last time I was there, I enjoyed the vibe a lot. It had a classy feel, and I didn’t feel out-of-place being so dressy.


My plan was to sit at the bar for a little while, sip on a drink, and see who I could see before hitting the floor. I saw Dwayne immediately and was surprised by how weird I felt. He didn’t see me at first, and I kinda hoped it could stay that way.


The only reason I slept with him was because I thought things wouldn’t be weird. I thought we could do it and go on with our lives as normal. And we have. But seeing him now for the first time since… I don’t really know what I’m feeling, honestly. I don’t think it’s regret. Whatever it is, it’s weird, and I hope it’s only me being weird. I’ll keep dodging him if I can.

The bartender was soooo slow! When I ordered my drink, there were only a few of us at the bar. After a while, the room got very crowded and warm, and I still hadn’t received my drink. Everyone around me got restless, trying to figure out what happened with their order. This one voice behind me, however, was particularly pleasant. I had to see who it belonged to.


When I turned around, lightning tore through my body, and I thought I heard a choir singing in the distance. All I saw was blue. Bright, beautiful cerulean crystals and the darkest, perfectly coiffed black hair! The face upon which they sat was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Ever. He was more gorgeous than Devonte, Laurant, Dwayne, and whoever else all put together! I had to be dreaming because faces like that only existed in movies…and dreams. I was in awe. Like, literal awe. My mouth dropped open, and I couldn’t look away no matter how hard I tried. It was so rude of me to stare, but I couldn’t help it. Those brilliant crystals bounced uncomfortably around the room, but I didn’t really care. I wasn’t done drinking in his beauty yet.

“…Ummm…Did I spit on you or something?” he asked, genuinely concerned he’d offended me in some way. “I’m really sorry.”


Or something. Definitely something.