Generation 2 · January 29, 2021 0


I couldn’t believe my luck! Devonte came to my house! Like, unannounced! I almost forgot my manners and didn’t invite him in. I was just about to make something for lunch when I heard the knock. Not sure how I felt about cooking for other sims yet, so I asked if he minded coming with me to a restaurant. My treat! Who could say no to that?


I can’t help but stare into his pretty, dark eyes whenever I’m around him. (sigh) Everything about him is dark. His eyes, his hair, his clothing. So mysterious! I had to find something else to take my attention before he thought I was some kind of freak. I noticed his watch; it was different from the one he usually wore. I told him it was nice and asked where he got it. Maybe I’d get one for my daddy. He hesitated a bit before saying he had a connection through his second job. It must be nice to get expensive things on the cheap. And it’s just like they said: it’s not what you know, but who you know.


Our food came, and they didn’t bring me a fork! I messed around with the chopsticks for a while before I got mad and impaled my eggplant and crammed it into my mouth. Devonte laughed at me. I enjoyed hanging out with him and decided to choke back my nerves and tell him. What’s the worst that could happen? He says I’m boring and never wants to see me again? I highly doubt that would happen, but if it did, I’ll live.


I asked if he liked hanging with me too, and he said, “yeah.” I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but I took it as a good sign. Maybe I caught him off guard with my random question. After all, he showed up at my house. Why else would he do that?