I felt like crying. I know it’s not my fault, and the situation was beyond my control, but I felt so selfish going back to my heated home where Laurant greeted me with a plate of warm cookies. I didn’t need him to cook for me, but I was expecting a little more than sweet treats.

I sat with him and ate the cookies he so nicely prepared for me, but my mind was still out there with my doggie friend. Where could he be? I looked literally everywhere. More than once! I don’t doubt that he has his hiding places, but why wouldn’t he come out when he saw it was me? I really hoped he was ok, but I couldn’t help thinking about the alternative.
A knock at the door annoyed me way more than it should have. I didn’t want to see anyone but my stray friend, and he can’t knock at my door! Besides, it’s a blizzard going on out there. Who is brave enough to be out? It was my dear mother, checking on me during my first storm. She said she would stay just in case things got dicey and the power went out or something. I keep forgetting she had a life before Sulani and grew up in a place where it snowed a lot. I love her so much.

“Umm…what’s going on here?” she asked, eyeing Laurant very suspiciously.
I said he was helping while I looked for my dog. She looked at Shiloh and looked at me and side eyed Laurant extra hard.
“What game are you two playing?”
I told her about the stray I met and all our subsequent meetings and how I wanted to adopt him but he’s lost now. And then I cracked. I thought I could be strong and positive, but I’m not built like Mommy. I’m scared!

She and Laurant spent the next hour trying to cheer me up and assure me that everything would be fine. Laurant said he’ll turn up soon, and Mommy said he was an old pro and knew exactly how to handle a storm like this. I knew they were right, but I was still so distraught. I wish I could explain how or why I get attached to sims and things so quickly. I just have a lot of love in my heart, and I want to give it away!
Laurant needed to get back home before the storm got too bad and left me in Mommy’s more than capable hands.