Generation 2 · February 17, 2021 0


I had no intentions of speaking with Devonte ever again. I owed him no explanations of anything. Yes, he claims to like me and has asked me out several times since the romance festival—which I declined—but I still didn’t think he deserved to know anything about my new life. Call it immature, being a punk, or whatever you want. I don’t care. It worked for me. But as fate would have it, I couldn’t ignore him forever. Shiloh and I were out for a jog one day, and he text me, asking where I was because he was at my house. (sigh) Time to face the music, I guess.


He asked why I had been avoiding him. At first I thought I’d lie and say I’d been busy. I mean, it was true. Every time he called I was in the middle of something. But if I lied, I’d only have to revisit this conversation again sometime in the future. I told him I didn’t want to hang out anymore.

“Why not? I thought that’s what you wanted.”

So he cares about what I want now? Interesting. I told him, previously, all I wanted was to hang out with him. But he didn’t have time for me, and he isn’t a good sim anyway, so…no, I do not wanna hang out anymore.


“Who you been talking to?”

He didn’t deny it. Who cares who told me? He’s no good, and he knows it.

“Look, Ki, haven’t you noticed I’ve been trying to do better? I meant it when I said I liked you. I haven’t even tried to get with you again. You’re special.”


I would have loved to hear him say that weeks ago. But my adventure with him is over. I hope he finds happiness with someone else, truly. Maybe with that girl he’s living with. Oops. I’m not supposed to know that.