Generation 2 · July 13, 2021 0


I have a confession. I’ve been angry a lot during this pregnancy. It could just be hormones, or maybe a combination of hormones on top of toddler drama. Whatever the case, I think I’ve been pretty good at hiding it until now. That’s how I knew the end was near. Everything and everyone annoyed me. Especially Ali. Poor guy. He strolled into the kitchen just as I finished dinner, and I jumped on him like fleas on dogs. I demanded to know why he was late and explained the consequences his tardiness had on me. Of course they all were related to dealing with Luca by myself as Mommy went home again. I swear I’ll never understand why she won’t move in. If Luca ever asks me to live with his family, I’d pack my bags and be there in two shakes. Anyway…back to Ali. He laughed at me!! I didn’t appreciate that at all and told him he looked like a marshmallow and needed to go to the gym.


That made him laugh even more! He said something about me being colorful when I’m pregnant. Whatever! I didn’t have to sit there and be insulted by his stupid face! I stomped upstairs and went to bed. Or at least I tried to. I went into labor a few hours from then. Because I was super mad at him still, and someone needed to stay with Luca, I called Mommy and had her accompany me to the hospital instead. Hmph. That’ll teach him to laugh at my pain.


I gave birth to an amazing blue-eyed baby girl and named her after two of my favorite people, Mommy and Ali. Yeah, I know I’m supposed to be mad at him, but I kinda love the guy. And he gave me this beautiful child whom I love and am grateful to know. So without further delay, please welcome Alessia Amina Murillo to the family!