Generation 2 · March 17, 2021 0


I let Hunter settle for a few days and get comfortable with the routine before I tried anything new. After the adjustment period, I took him to the vet to get checked out. Who knew what nasties he contracted living on the streets. I also wanted to get him a wellness shot to keep him healthy for a while.

The doctor helped him onto the table, examined him, and distracted him with a squeaky toy while injecting him. “You said he’s a stray?”

When I asked why he was so surprised, he said it was because Hunter was so well behaved. Usually strays were jumpy and defensive, but Hunter was calm. Almost like he had gone through this before or was very well trained.

“You’re a really good boy, aren’t you?” the doctor said, rewarding him with loving pats.


I always joked about him having girlfriends, but I never considered his life before we met or how he ended up on the street. Could it be true? Did he have a grand life before? Exactly how smart is he? When the doctor released us, we went across the street to the dog park. I wanted to see what he could do.


Maybe I should wait until the snow melts.