Generation 2 · February 3, 2021 0



I remembered to invite Laurant to the dog park next time. That was such a fun day! I kept thinking, at some point he’d tire of watching me and Shiloh and go back home, but he hung with me the entire day. Honestly, it’s his fault we made a day of it. I usually stay for an hour or so, but I didn’t want to leave him, and he didn’t want to leave me. He was the absolute best company, which was both amazing and disappointing. Amazing because I love spending time with my favorite friend, and disappointing because I couldn’t see Devonte enjoying this. I should just give up on him being anything more than a woohoo buddy. We’re not even doing that.


Shiloh had enough self-guided entertainment and inserted herself into the conversation since I wasn’t paying her any attention. I gave her a treat anyway because she’s such a good girl. 


This cute little dog walked up to me and broke my heart. He smelled terrible and was super skinny, like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. I wanted to take him home and cook a fresh meal, bathe him, and show him some love, but that’s crazy, right? Just take a dog off the street and bring it into your home, not knowing what it’s like? I know it’s not smart, but that didn’t stop my heart from wanting to do it. At the very least, I could give him a little something to eat, but he ran away when I tried to give him one of Shiloh’s treats. I hoped I’d see him again. Shiloh could definitely use some dog friends. Maybe if I got to know him, I’d feel more comfortable bringing him home.


When I turned around to go back to Shiloh and Laurant, he was gazing at me like…well, honestly, I’m not sure what it was like. Maybe… It kinda looked like…admiration? I’m not sure why he’d admire me for trying to help a poor, innocent animal. He would do the same thing. Whatever that look was, I felt super special.