Generation 2 · February 7, 2021 0


I stalled as long as I could before making my way to Sulani to be scolded, grilled, or whatever Mommy planned to do to me. I avoided talking to her about everything with a “I don’t want to talk about it,” and until now she respected my wish. Now she’s in full on mom mode, ready to chop me up into pieces.


“Whose skull do I have to crack that has you out here getting drunk and looking crazy in public?”

I snorted. Leave it to my mother to make everything dramatic. So I had too much kava. So what? She knows how wonderful that stuff is and how easy it is to go too far. Everyone gets a little drunk sometimes.

“Not you!”

She caught me off guard with that. How the heck does she know what I do? Is she turning into Miss Pancakes now?

You are the most responsible sim I know. Last night…that was not you. So, what’s going on? Who has you so worked up?”

Ok, true…I’d never been drunk before. And also true, I usually have just one drink when I’m out. I’ll let her have that one. I still didn’t want to talk about things, but I knew she wouldn’t let me go until I spilled all the tea. Besides, holding onto it hasn’t done me any favors and only made me miserable. So I started at the beginning, even though she already knew about me and Devonte and saw me and Laurant together. I told her about all those feelings I had toward him in tandem with trying to make something happen with Devonte. I ranted about him and Diamond and how the baby complicated everything for all of us. I went on and on and on. The words flowed out of me like vomit, and I couldn’t stop them. Then, I’m not sure what happened. I kept talking, and I felt something enormous bubbling up inside, like a balloon trying to find its way out. The words kept coming, and when the balloon finally escaped, it popped and I felt a million times better.


Mommy gasped, and her eyes were as large as Shiloh’s cookies. Did I say something wrong? What did I say??”

“You love him?” She sighed deeply. “Oh, baby. Come over here. We need to talk.”