Generation 2 · January 31, 2021 0


I was a bundle of nerves when he arrived, so I thought I’d ease into the conversation by suggesting we watch a movie. I could concentrate on something else while I willed myself to woman up and talk. 

While I watched whatever was on screen, he watched me and burned a hole in the side of my face. The warmth permeated throughout my body, and my breaths deepened to slow the spread. I tried to make eye contact, but the feeling is so overwhelming. His dark eyes are like black holes sucking me into his atmosphere. My cheeks are on fire. Surely he can see. I become completely unglued when I’m around him!

“I know why you invited me,” he said.

He did?? Did I? What did I really expect from this visit? Why Love Day? I knew but was too nervous and flustered to admit the truth because when he pulled me onto his lap, and put his lips on me, I did not protest. Not. One. Bit.
