Generation 2 · August 17, 2021 0


I was in full on pity party mode when I heard my bedroom door fling open and Diamond’s loud, dramatic shouts of condolences. She scared me so bad I jumped out of bed. Who barges into people’s bedrooms like that??

“Oh my Watcher I just heard about your mom are you ok what do you need I just can’t believe Miss Amina is GOOOONE!!”


She sat with me and said all the faux comforting things everyone says: She’s in a better place; She’s with my daddy; She’s still with us, watching over us. Cowplant poop! If she were watching over me, I’d be brain dead from how hard she would smack me in the back of the head. There’s no way she’s watching. At least I hope not. If I ever find out she saw me with Dwayne, I’d cease to exist. Just drop dead right on the spot.


“Wait,” she said. “Why is it so quiet? Is Alessia still sleeping?”

My body seized. If my heart could stop, I sure it would. The question was so innocent but so incriminating at the same time. The new question is, do I lie or tell the truth? Lying has only made things worse for me. And, eventually, they’ll all find out anyway, one way or another. Word travels fast among these sims.

“She’s not here,” I said, hoping she’d assume I meant something else. Anything else.

She gasped. “She’s at school already? Did you have her birthday early again?”

“No. Today is her birthday.” Stringing this out is exhausting the little energy I have. I should just pull off the bandage and get it over with. “Diamond… I have to tell you something.”


“Let me guess,” she said. “You’re pregnant…again, you ol’ baby factory, you!”

I sighed, realizing my dreams of a big, happy family ended as soon as I kissed Dwayne. “No, I’m not pregnant. Alessia isn’t here because…she doesn’t live here anymore.”

Her eyes narrowed as her head jerked back. “I’m sorry…what?”

“Ali moved out. He took the kids.”

Her narrowed eyes grew 10 times their size. “WHAT THE PLUM?!”

“He filed for divorce.”

“WAIT!! What is going on here?! You guys were fine a week ago! You were #relationshipgoals! How did you go from perfect family with literally two kids, a dog, and a picket fence to DIVORCED?? You were faking it all this time?”

I don’t enjoy feeling depleted of energy like this. But it had its advantages because I didn’t have it in me to dance around her questions anymore, and I certainly didn’t have the energy to get upset. “No. Everything was fine. I cheated on him.”


“Why the PLUM would you do that?? You married the finest sim on earth and you slept with who???”


“Dwayne Pancakes?! What could you possibly want with that weirdo? I am SO disappointed, Kiki. You’re supposed to be the good one!”

“I know. I’m sorry.”
