I watched as Ali put the recycled bits into the machine, placed the wax into the pot, and watched it melt. He said it’s best to wait until the wax is completely melted before pouring in the dye. Otherwise it could burn in the pot which would alter the color.
“I like to fold in the color rather than stir. Less messy.”
Who knew there were so many precise details in candle making? They all factored into how they were sold at such high prices sometimes.

Ali slowly dipped the string into and out of the hot wax. Every now and then he’d touch the candle. Wasn’t hot? And wasn’t he afraid his finger prints would be all over it? He said wax cooled very quickly, and he wanted to feel for unevenness.
“It’s best to dip straight up and down, but I’m not very good at that. ASLDIJHASFOJCOAUIDAS!!!”

I couldn’t help but giggle. So he did know some forbidden words!
“And watch your fingers!!”
He finished his candle and tucked it away. Now it was my turn! Naturally, I wanted a green candle. Watching him, it seemed like a very simple process, but I was so nervous!

Ali was very encouraging, though. I was so giddy when my little candle began to take form. I must have gotten too cocky because I burned my finger within the first 10 minutes.
Ali gasped. “OMW! Honey, are you ok???”

It hurt like crazy, but it didn’t last long…as he should have known from minutes ago. So dramatic. He was gonna be that guy while I was pregnant, eh? Everything little thing is a crisis. I saw him looking at my shoes earlier. There was such consternation on his face. I shook my head. My mother would climb Mt. Komorebi in stilettos. It’ll be fine.

I dipped and dipped and dipped, doing exactly as I saw Ali do. It was shaping up very nicely! But how would I know when it was done? And how could we guarantee they all came out consistently?
“Usually sims buy candles by size, so you could measure the diameter to make sure they’re the size you want.”
Good thing I did well in school because I never would have guessed math was involved in candle making. This process was really serious, and my respect for all those sims hocking candles at the community center grew exponentially. I still didn’t want to be one of them, though.

“That looks REALLY good, Em!”
“How can you tell from back there?”
“It’s perfectly even! You’re a much better candle dipper than I am. Maybe I should let you make the candles, and I’ll do the woodworking.”
Well, well, well! I got high marks on my first try. We ‘bout to blow up!
Wife, dog rescuer, soon-to-be mama, candle maker. What else could I put on my résumé?