Generation 2 · April 13, 2021 0


I went inside thinking I would play chess, but I don’t even like the game. How did I always end up at a chessboard when I was upset or my mind occupied? Between the brain power needed for that, the gardening, and the baby, I was pooped and needed a nap. I tried not to sleep too hard so I could be awake when Ali came home. Hunter was adventurous and full of energy, so it wasn’t unusual for him not to be at home. Ali wouldn’t suspect anything for a while, but I still wanted to catch him. 


I’m not sure if I woke up right when he walked in or if his entrance woke me, but I failed again. 

“Ali? I need to tell-”

A knock at the door interrupted me. Ali looked out the window and announced it was my mother. “I’m gonna change. I’ll be right down.”


Before I could even hug her, she noted my red, puffy eyes. I invited her inside, saying I was just about to tell Ali what happened. Her eyes drifted quickly to my stomach. Thank the Watcher that wasn’t my problem. I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to recover from that.


I think Ali was in shock when I told them. He just sat there, staring into the corner of the room. Mommy took it a lot harder than I thought she would and excused herself. I guess Hunter finally charmed her those few days they spent with her. He was such a cad, heh.


While Mommy was gone, Ali comforted me as best as he could. We knew no amount of snuggles would fix it, but it was nice knowing he was there.