Generation 2 · March 10, 2021 0


I woke up dancing. I danced in the shower. I danced while I dressed. I was waaaaaay too excited about hanging with Ali.


We had a fun day filled with pumpkin carving, skating, and eating fall themed foods. I learned he’s a vegetarian and terrible skater. He likes animals and couldn’t imagine eating one. I’m pretty sure I’m in love right now.


Just as we were getting a little cozy at the picnic table, someone screamed and others gathered in that area. Ali and I also wanted to find out what happened. Someone died! And I knew her! It was the trash talking chess lady from the dog park. How sad!


The Grim Reaper came and took her body away, leaving a tombstone in its place. Ali cried as if she were a friend. He cried so hard, I thought he’d plead for her life. The crowd dissipated when Grim left, but Ali was still crying so I brought him into the barn to have some privacy. I held him and let him cry on my shoulder. I was happy to do that for him, but it was so weird to me. I wasn’t that sad, and I knew her! When he was calm, we sat at the bar, and I asked.

“At the risk of sounding really insensitive, why are you so upset? I’m the one who knew her.”


“Because… She was out there all alone! What if she has family? She won’t come home and they’ll have no idea she’s gone. We should be around family and sims we love when we die. Not a bunch of strangers.”


I am going to love this sim for the rest of my life and have all his brown-skinned, blue-eyed babies.