Generation 2 · April 30, 2021 0


I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant. It’s been really nice having Mommy around, taking care of Luca so we can sleep and get stuff done. Ali and I have been taking advantage of all that time, heh. Especially the other night when Mommy went home. We, uhhh, we were still messing around early the next morning. Luca had a dirty diaper and was screaming at the top of his lungs. As if that weren’t enough, Shiloh started barking too. I’m pretty sure if someone translated her barks to simlish, it would say something like will y’all knock it off and fix this sim?! Such a diva.


Before I took a pregnancy test, I got up to see my new favorite sim. He is so perfect in every way! If all I did for the rest of my life was stare into his cute, brown face, I think I’d be alright.

“I think I got you a playmate, my love. What do you think about that?”

I took his smile and bright eyes as a positive sign, hee hee hee. Hopefully he’d be ok with a sibling.


And, sure enough, we’re expecting again! We never talked about when we were having the next one, so hopefully Ali will be happy. It seemed like a good idea to have another while we were still kinda frenzied and fawning over the first one, not that I planned this. 


Mommy laughed when she got back and saw me in my maternity clothes again. “I can’t leave y’all alone for two seconds!”

She laughed all the way upstairs as she got back on grandma duty. I think Luca likes her a lot. I mean, he likes all of us, of course. But she spends the most time with him. He knows who Mama is, and as long as he doesn’t forget it, I’m cool with that arrangement.
