Generation 2 · July 15, 2021 0


It’s my birthday! I thought about having a big party somewhere, but that would be a logistical nightmare. Either someone would have to miss it to watch the kids, or I’d have to introduce a stranger into their lives. I’m not about that babysitter life. At least not yet. There are too many people in my life who I know and trust to go pay someone I’ve never met. So I invited everyone over for a small, low-key shindig. 

Many of my friends are also married with children, and we haven’t seen each other in a while. Quite a few of them already had their birthdays, and I can’t wait to see how they’re styling themselves now. I gave myself a makeover early for no particular reason. It just felt like it was time to retire the grown and sexy look and adopt a mom do…but still grown and sexy.


Later on, a few hours before the party, I heard Mommy downstairs and headed that way to greet her. But Ali, who was giving me that look, interrupted me by saying he wanted to give me my birthday gift early.


That was completely unoriginal, but there was no way I’d decline, despite knowing my guests would arrive soon. I can never resist this guy. He has my whole heart! Besides, Luca was downstairs, hanging with his favorite person. We could get in a quickie sans interruption. I whisked him into our room, clothes flying everywhere as we frantically got our pre-celebration started. Woohoo with Ali was sweet, slow, and loving at the beginning of our relationship. But now, with children constantly underfoot, we’ve gotta get it in when we can, and do it fast. Heh, the frenzied nature of it totally reminds me of my times with Dwayne in the jungle. But anyway… That thought and all others vanished the closer Ali came to completely upending my world. My body rolled with every passionately violent wave he-



Oh. My. Watcher. Where did he come from?? And how long was he in the room? Mommy must be busy doing something and let him slip away. Poor little thing looked so scared. I guess all the moaning and yelling spooked him. Hopefully he doesn’t think Ali was hurting me. Ugh! I’ve scarred my child just like my parents did me. Or maybe not. He’s really young and probably doesn’t know what he’s seeing. At least I hope so. 

Trying to comfort him was hilarious and chaotic. At first we tried to get him to leave the room so we could put clothes on, but that only made him cry. Then we tried to get him to come to us so we could scoop him up and stay covered by the sheets, but my poor baby was so confused. Finally, I wrapped myself in the sheet and went to him while Ali shielded himself with a pillow. I hugged poor Luca, who was seriously upset, and assured him everything was fine. I didn’t know boys would be so protective this young. Oy. Life with children. Gotta love it.