Generation 2 · August 21, 2021 0


Laurant stormed off, leaving me with hurt pride and negative self talk. He always had a way of hurting me with the truth. This theme of selfishness keeps repeating, and I reject it every time. But could it be true? Am I really selfish? Before I could run away with that thought, Diamond returned with Gemma. She filled her in on the gossip, and I suppose they decided, despite me being a terrible sim, I could use some company. It was weird sitting in silence, and the two of them gazed at me disapprovingly. But I still appreciated it.


Shiloh stumbled in with her head low, whimpering from whatever discomfort she felt. I took her to the vet immediately and save us all from that awkward visit. But I didn’t really want to be alone, so I asked them to stay and wait for me. We could do something fun when I got back. It turns out Shiloh had something called derpy doggy syndrome. The doctor said she was in the beginning stages and only had congestion in her head. When it progresses, she would appear dizzy, walking unsteadily and even having crossed eyes. I’m so glad I didn’t wait! I hate watching her suffer, even more so now that she’s old.


I was glad to see Gemma and Diamond still waiting when we returned. I promised a fun night, so I turned on a movie we used to enjoy when we were kids. We loved College Cram and used to dream about doing all the things we saw in the movie, kissing cute boys, partying, and drinking. But by the time we got to high school, we realized quickly that life was not for us. Besides, we could all of that without going to university. I was responsible and always did my homework, but I didn’t really enjoy school.

None of us liked school, and spending six more terms studying was such a turnoff. I don’t know what I would have studied, anyway. All I wanted to do was get married and have babies. And doggies.


“So, ummm, now that the cat is out of the bag,” Diamond started, “inquiring minds want to know. How is Dwayne in the sack? Was it worth it?”

“Oh. My. Watcher,” Gemma said. “That is SO inappropriate!”

This is why we can’t take her anywhere.
