Generation 2 · March 1, 2021 0


Mommy invited me to the Family Festival. Me and Shiloh showed up early in the morning just in time for breakfast. But before I could even get a whiff of whatever she had going on in the kitchen, we had to get our hugs. Shiloh first, of course.


As expected, she tried to get me to say who I went to El Selvadorada with, but I still kept my lips sealed. I’m not ashamed of Dwayne. I just know what she’ll say. She’ll jump to conclusions and assume that he’s just like my other friends and will think I’m going backward. But that’s not the case at all. If anything, I took a few steps forward. I didn’t have the energy to explain, so I told her about my date instead. 


She surprised me again. I thought she’d be excited and ask 1000 questions. Instead she harped on the whole online dating thing and how it could be dangerous, catfishing, and all that jazz. For someone whose entire career is web based, I thought she would understand and be more accepting. I mean, I don’t need her to approve my every move, but if she’s gonna lecture me like a child every time I say something… Well, it kinda makes me not want to tell her things. She’s my mother, and I know she’ll always want to protect me. But I thought we were friends too.