Generation 2 · February 2, 2021 0


Mommy is so happy when she’s with me. I’m glad to bring sunshine to her now gloomy world. I wanted to ask so badly how she was doing, really, but I didn’t want to bring her down. She needed all the good days she could spare.

An idea fell on me that excited me so much my body tingled. I suggested she spend the night so we could explore Brindleton Bay together. She loved the idea, of course.


We finished eating, and I made sure to get a jump on cleaning before she did. I didn’t mind her doing things for me, but I should take care of her when she’s here…when she lets me. I thought we could stay up all night watching movies and talk, but I forgot that quickly my mother was an early bird. We were in bed by 10:30, and even that was a stretch for her.

Good thing I did go to bed early with her because Shiloh had gotten way too used to my impromptu morning walks/jogs. Now that it was summer, we got more sun, and I felt the need to soak up every bit of it. She started whimpering around 5:30. I was surprised Mommy wasn’t up yet. Heh, maybe she thinks she’s on vacation. That was perfectly fine. She could remain in bed as long as she wanted. If anyone deserved a rest, it was her.
