Mommy left us to enjoy dinner and whatever else the night would bring. We sat with our plates, but when I looked up to ask Ali what they talked about for three hours, I saw he looked sad. SEE! I knew she had done some Jedi Mom tricks on him! I shouldn’t have left him alone with her.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, calmly.
He poked at the veggies and moved them around the plate. That’s when I realized what exactly we were having for dinner.
“OMW I’m so sorry! I should have reminded her you don’t eat meat. Let me make you something else.”
“No, don’t bother. I’ll do it. I should have spoken up. But she just moved so fast. It felt weird to ask her to scrap all that food.”
“Yeah. She does that. ‘Are you hungry’ isn’t really a question, FYI.”
He tried to eat just the vegetables, but even them being on the same plate as chicken upset him. I felt bad because sometimes I forget he’s a vegetarian too. I guess that means I’ll have to get used to not having meat. I hadn’t considered that all of “his things” would become my things too once we’re married and living together. Perhaps we should have dated a little longer to learn all these things. But it’s all good. I’m up for the challenge and not going anywhere.

With that out of the way, I had to know what he and Mommy talked about! What secrets did she know that I didn’t? Did they have their own inside jokes and secret handshakes now? Will she use him to get back at me for double teaming her with my dad?
“She’s your mom, Em. She’s just looking out for you. If I die before our daughter gets married, I’d expect you to grill the heck out of her boyfriend too.”
He calls me Em now. I love it because it’s something uniquely ours, and I won’t allow anyone else to steal it.

He still didn’t answer the question, though. Was there something to hide?
“What kinds of questions did she ask you?”
He smiled and shook his head at me. “What do you want to know?”
“What happened to learning as we go and dating for life?”
I did say that, didn’t I? Drat!