Generation 2 · April 27, 2021 0


Mommy upset me. Like, really, really upset me. I took a shower, hoping the warm water would soothe me. It didn’t. I grabbed Shiloh and went for a walk against the wishes of everyone in my house.

“You should be resting,” Ali suggested. “Don’t you need to store your energy?”

“I’m sorry, baby,” Mommy pleaded. “I wasn’t implying anything! I was just saying.”

Hmph. They’re not the boss of me! Ali doesn’t have to carry a whole sim for almost a week! He doesn’t get to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. And Mommy doesn’t get to hurt my feelings and then shrug it off with a “I didn’t mean to!” They were both super annoying, and I didn’t want to be around them anymore.


Unfortunately, I was still super pregnant with a baby that dropped lower and lower by the hour. I hate it when they’re right. 😒🤬😭😑