Generation 2 · April 11, 2021 0


Mommy was so excited to learn about her new family member. Maybe more excited than me since she didn’t have to carry it. She asked me all those mom questions like how was I feeling, did I get enough rest, etc. I’d been pregnant all of five minutes. Everything was great. Then of course she had to bestow upon me her infinite wisdom about all things baby. Sleep when they sleep. Don’t neglect your marriage. Don’t be afraid to drop the kids off with trusted friends. All that good stuff.

Speaking of marriage, she asked me how things had been with Ali. I told her about our cute fights about cooking, how supportive he is, him starting his new job soon, and our business plans.


She was so happy to hear that he was helpful and that we had something we could build together. I think that part touched her the most. She expressed concerns about us not knowing each other enough. When I came to her about getting married, she knew she wouldn’t be able to convince me to forget about the idea completely and got me to agree to a wedding ceremony instead in hopes we weren’t making the same mistake she and Daddy did. They dated a lot longer, but they still didn’t know each other properly. Their relationship was mostly physical, and outside their shared love for knowledge and debating, they had nothing in common. They moved in together right before I was born, but they didn’t click. She had expectations of him because of their cohabitation, but he didn’t see why things needed to change. For a while, she said she felt like a single parent! Eventually they came to an understanding, but for much of their relationship she wasn’t happy and did not want that for me. It pleased her to know Ali wanted to be married and was excited about the baby. And of course working together gave us yet another opportunity to spend time together, getting to know each other. 


The food came, and I was so excited because between all our running around today, neither of us thought to eat lunch and I was RAVENOUS! Mommy of course took that opportunity to scold and remind me I needed to eat. I knew that! We were just busy, and I wasn’t hungry then.

“That’s exactly what I mean! You have more than yourself to think of now!”


We had a nice dinner and talked more about the business and a lot more about the baby. She wants me to have a girl. Ali wants a boy, of course. I honestly don’t care what it is. I just can’t wait to meet him or her. I’m not sure if I want to know what it is yet. Part of me does, but part of me also thinks a surprise would be super fun. I’d have to see how Ali felt to sway me one way or another.


After I ate, I felt so nauseous! Just like I did that time on the swing. But that I understood. I had eaten breakfast immediately before then. The baby should be glad I finally gave it something! Maybe it was paying me back for not eating.

“Uggggggh! Should I not be eating trout?”

Mommy giggled. “It’s not the trout, baby. Welcome to the joys of the first trimester!”


Yay. 😑