Generation 2 · February 7, 2021 0


My body seized. I couldn’t even blink. Did those words actually come out of my mouth? I love Laurant? I never even allowed myself to think them before, let alone spew all over my mother. What a mess! A hot, stinkin’ mess!! I needed help and scooted closer to let Mommy straighten me out.

“Baby, there is a whole world out there beyond your little bubble. Why don’t you step out and experience it?”

I got defensive, but just like moms do, she read me like a book until I had nothing left to contest. She said my circle is filled with people I’ve known my entire life, and there is very little new blood. For someone as young and beautiful and unattached as I am, I spend an unusual amount of time with her. I have all these things—like going to the lighthouse—I want to experience, but instead of just experiencing them, I wait to do it with someone else. Just as I began feeling uncomfortable, she laughed! What about this is funny?? How dare she laugh at me while tearing my life apart!

“I promise I’m not laughing at you. I was just remembering when you were a tiny thing. You were such a clingy baby. We had to reintroduce you to our friends every time they came to visit until you remembered them. You’ve always loved being around us. You find comfort in familiar things. But, baby, as much as I’ve enjoyed all this time we spend together, I’m not your BFF. I’d rather see you out there living than hanging with your old mom. I am fine. I’ve been fine. But one day I’m leaving here, and I’m gonna need you to have a life of your own. Don’t be so afraid to try new things on your own. Make new friends. Have new experiences. Go on dates. If after a few guys you find your heart still belongs to Laurant, so be it. But I really think you need to see what’s out there before you pack it up and settle down. I know you want to get married and have kids, but I think you’re a little young for that. Yeah, people get married young every day, but you still have some growing to do. You understand?”


I understood completely. She painted the picture so clearly, I couldn’t do anything but accept this reality. I’ve been stuck, afraid to step outside my comfort zone. That explains a lot. I always think it’s interesting how other sims knows us better than we know ourselves. That’s why we need wise sims in our lives because we all have blind spots. (sigh) This is gonna be hard, but I need to try. I don’t want to be stuck anymore.