Generation 2 · April 29, 2021 0


One evening, as I finished my dinner, I saw Mommy moping through the house. I didn’t even need to ask what was wrong. I expected this day for a while, but I never considered I would see Mommy mourn the loss of her best friend. I missed Aunt Nay too, but the hardest part was seeing Mommy crippled by grief.

“Don’t worry about the dishes, Em,” my sweet husband said. “Do what you need to do.”

I guess he knew too.


Knowing Mommy would want to be left alone, I went to see Luca. He always makes me happy, and I could use that. But he was unhappy when I arrived. It was his dinner time too, so I fed him. When he had his fill, he showed me that gummy smile I came to see.
