Generation 2 · March 20, 2021 0


Our chaperone decided we had done enough kissing for one night. Ha ha! Maybe that was a good thing because if Ali even hinted at wanting more, I’d yank him upstairs and practice making those blue-eyed babies. Hell, we’d probably make one or two!

“Would you mind if I used your kitchen? I’d like to make something for you.”

He wanted to make his “special bread.”

“Because I only make it for special sims,” he said when I asked what made it special.


We moved the conversation to the kitchen with Hunter in tow. It’s so cute how he’s acting. Did he hover because he was curious about Ali? Or was it a male instinct? Shiloh never behaved that way.

Ali’s mother baked, and the recipe belonged to her mother. He’s an only child, so she taught him all the things. Before I got excited, he warned he wasn’t a good cook and this bread was the only thing he did well.


It was delicious! Who would have thought wheat bread could be so good? My daddy baked a lot, but it never appealed to me. Maybe I’ll try it one day.


I don’t really like the fur babies eating sim food, but I let Ali give Hunter a little bread. He said it was bribery for next time he’s over here. Shiloh wasn’t around, so she didn’t have to know he got a treat, tee hee hee. What can I say? He’s my special boy. 


After our snack, we moved back to the living room to dance away the carbs. This night was full of surprises and very low key but the absolute best night of my life so far. I’ve decided I’m going to be Emmy again. Why? Because Emmy & Ali sounds waaaay better than Kiki & Ali! 😁
