Generation 2 · March 16, 2021 0


Shiloh got tired of me running all over town, so I took her home. The temperature had dropped significantly as well, and she isn’t used to the cold. I’m not either, but at least I have boots. Thinking of my stray friend’s bare paws in the snow made me even more determined to find him. I walked my neighborhood again without luck. I began to panic and went to the beach again to gather myself so I wouldn’t fall apart. I’d never find him if I melted into a blubbering mess.


Laurant’s voice startled me. He marched toward me, smiling—a marked improvement from when I left him. He apologized for being rude and said I didn’t deserve that. He knew how important it was for me to find my dog and wanted to help.


I appreciated the offer and change of heart, but I didn’t see how it would help. My friend didn’t know Laurant and would probably run away from him if Laurant tried to grab him, and that would make things worse! 

“Ok, ok, fine,” he said. “What can I do for you, then? I mean, you’ve been out all day… Have you eaten?”

How can I eat?? I couldn’t think about myself knowing he’s out there starving and freezing to death! I wouldn’t give up until I found him! 

But Laurant wasn’t giving up either. “Ok. What if I go to your house and make you something to eat for when you get back? And I’ll keep Shiloh company. Would that be ok?”

I didn’t have time to analyze whether he’s still my best friend or if he’s trying to catch me with my guard down, but I agreed so I could get back to finding my friend.

But it was nearing 5:00, and daylight slipped away from me like fallen leaves in the wind. I tried. I really did! But my visibility lessened as the snow thickened and sun disappeared for good. And I was so dang cold! I hated giving up, but I had to. I hope he’ll be ok and forgive me.