Generation 2 · March 10, 2021 0


Shiloh was on the porch barking loudly, so I went to the door to see if anyone was there. It was Mommy! Boy was I glad to see her. All day, I debated with myself, trying to decide if I wanted to tell her about him yet, and here she is! On one hand, I want to tell her so badly about the beautiful stranger who infiltrated my life. But on the other hand, I know it may be premature, and I should probably wait. But I was so smiley, she already knew something was up. I told her something was definitely up but I wanted to wait until I had something concrete to tell her.

“Well, dang, girl! Can I get a little something? I’m on the edge of my seat here!”

She didn’t have to twist my arm. Not at all. A little something turned into the entire story, and I was so happy for her positive responses!

“Well, well, well! This Mr. Blue Eyes sounds like quite a character! Whenever you feel comfortable, I can’t wait to meet him.”