Generation 2 · February 19, 2021 0


So far, El Selvadorada had shown us its gloomy side and withheld the sun. Even without its presence, the air was still incredibly hot and I’m kind of grateful for the overcast days. I’m not sure I could handle the direct sun.

I took a dip in the pool in the morning and stayed in the cool water all day. Shiloh came outside to see what I was doing, and I tried to get her to swim with me but she was too chicken. I always thought she didn’t like water because the only water she’s ever really been around was the ocean. If you think about it, the ocean is kind of scary. It’s ginormous, and you can’t see where it ends. There are things living in it that you can’t see, and no one knows how deep it is. But it turns out she’s just chicken about all water. (sigh) She such a cute little punk.


Later, Dwayne came back from his excursion, so I got out of the pool and asked how his hike went. I guess my sudden scantily clad appearance caught him off guard because he looked at me like I was a thick, juicy steak. He probably didn’t even realize it because he usually said whatever came across his mind. My bathing suit wasn’t even that revealing, but I guess he’s never seen so much of me before. 


I always said he and I would end up in a closet one day. It took me about three seconds to consider the following. Neither of us want a relationship with the other, but we’ve always been attracted to each other. This trip is for fun experiences. And I’m supposed to be stepping out of my comfort zone. We should just go ahead and get it out of our systems. However it goes, good or bad, at least we won’t have to wonder about it anymore. What happens in the jungle stays in the jungle, right?


Oh. My. Watcher. I could have sworn I saw fireworks. I definitely felt an explosion. If Devonte would have done it like that, I honestly think he would have ruined me. Wow!

Whatever we had planned for that afternoon got canceled because there was tons more fun to be had in my bedroom.