Generation 2 · February 28, 2021 0


Speaking of my children… I needed to get moving on finding the love of my life, so I set up a dating profile. I know I’m young, and social media is everything, but I really prefer meeting people the natural way. But I’m kinda in a hurry, and I’m supposed to try new things, so dating apps it is.


When I tell you, this was the most awkward experience of my life… 

Clearly, we swiped on each other and briefly chatted, but he was a stranger to me. When I was in El Selvadorada, it was easy to talk to strangers because we all had something in common. The other tourists wanted to know where everyone was from and if we had been to the jungle yet. I talked to the locals about dancing, food, and drinks. But this guy? He had a cute-ish face and seemed like a nice guy, but I knew little about him. The first few moments were so painful.


But then he asked me about Shiloh. That got the ball rolling pretty well. I gushed about her, and he gushed about recycling and going green. That’s not really my bag, but at least he’s into good things, unlike certain ex-friends. But still, I felt kinda weird about it. He was more than just passionate. At times I felt like he was preaching to me or something. I don’t know.


His name is Javier, and he picked the restaurant. I can’t tell you how excited I was to learn there was an El Selvadoradan restaurant in Newcrest. I ordered a baleada, which was one of my favorite things I tried over there. He ordered butternut gnocchi. Who comes to an El Selvadoradan place and orders Italian?? Gosh, I sound so much like Mommy right now. But seriously. At least he had horchata with his meal.


Overall, it was not a bad date. We shared a few laughs and had a couple of decent conversations. He is employed, which is great, and is around my age. He’s passionate about something, which I also appreciate. He has a little bit of an artistic side, which is always a plus. I would say he’d make a great friend, but I don’t think I want to see him again. That weird judging feeling never went away. He also talked about making money a lot and was kind of self-centered. He’s an only child as well, so I kinda get it. But with him I felt like he was kinda greedy. I don’t need that in my life. Especially with all my money. So my first blindish date experience is in the books. Not terrible, but also not a winner. I’m looking forward to the next one.