That evening, I went home. Although Mommy would say she’s fine, I knew she was feeling some type of way about Love Day without Daddy. As I expected, she was all smiles when I arrived. In Amina Pope-like fashion, she did not miss a beat and lead me right into what I wanted to tell her. She asked what I was doing there. “I thought you would have had five dates tonight.” Heh, oh Mommy. Forever saucy.
“No,” I said. “I don’t have a date. But…I did have woohoo.”

I couldn’t read her face. I didn’t expect her to be head over heels excited, but I also didn’t expect her to be upset. Maybe she was just listening. As I told her about Devonte—more like gushing over Devonte—I wondered why it was easier to tell my mother about my first woohoo experience than to tell the sim I just woohoo’d with I liked him. It should be the other way around. To make matters worse, Mommy’s demeanor never improved. At the end of my story, she only said, “Be careful with that boy.”

Be careful? Of course I’m careful. We used protection, and I still took those pills she gave me. I even got a prescription of my own.
“I know, baby,” she said. “Be careful with your heart.”