Generation 2 · March 26, 2021 0


The first day was a bust, as one could imagine. 😏 It felt like we were both trying to make up for lost time in that “where have you been all my life” type of way. He had all kinds of messages to send me, hee hee. Plus it rained all day, so that solidified our plans—not that we needed convincing to stay indoors. But at some point, we did manage to come up for air. We got dressed and everything, though I’m not sure why. I had just gotten out of the shower when Ali burst into the bathroom with a bright smile and excitement in his eyes.


“GUESS WHAT!! I got a job! A permanent job!!!”

I was so happy for him!! Moving in with me would give him some breathing room and make his situation less urgent, but I knew how important it was for him to contribute to the household. It was another entry-level job at a civil engineering company similar to what he used to do before being let go. They did things like city planning and such. I do not pretend to know what that is, but I was sure Ali would tell me. He won’t make much money, but once we sold his house, we should be fine for a little while.


Our last day was a beach day. Is it bad that I’ve never actually experienced the joys of chilling at the beach? Me, a Sulani native? The beach was always either a place to play or a place to swim. I’d never lounged on those chairs or laid on a towel in the sand. It was really relaxing.


I didn’t realize how much I needed that. Even though I didn’t work, I didn’t sit around all day. I was constantly on the go, taking care of my dogs, visiting family and friends, and enjoying my playtime. I’ve never really sat down to just…be. It was very refreshing. I needed to remember to keep that up because when we got home, life would move really fast.


Ali wanted me to swing with him. I loved how, even though I was the token goofball of the pair, I didn’t need to convince Ali to play and have fun. Some sims took themselves so seriously and would call me childish for all the fun I have. But he wasn’t not that type, and I’m so grateful.


Before we left, we figured we should do our part to help keep Sulani beautiful by cleaning up trash. I got a text from Laurant congratulating us. I guess Diamond told him, or whichever of our friends he still talked to. He said he hoped we were happy together. I really hoped he meant that. I hated how we were and hoped one day we could be friendly again. And not fake friendly.


It snowed in Willow Creek while we were gone! How exciting! Mommy dropped off the puppies earlier that day so they could greet us when we arrived. I enjoyed my dog free chill time, but boy was I glad to see them!