Generation 2 · March 25, 2021 0


The next morning, Ali and I went downstairs to see how we could help Mommy decorate for Winterfest, only to find she had turned the house into a wonderful winter wedding wonderland! It was so beautiful!! I’ve felt special a handful of times in life, but this may have taken the #1 spot.


Amina Crenshaw was such an amazing sim! Every time I thought she couldn’t get more amazing, she did something else and blew the last time out of the water.

“This…” Ali began, “This is incredible. Your mom really loves you.”

I never questioned that. Mommy’s love was the only constant in my life. That and Dwayne’s friendship. I was so conflicted in that moment. I felt bad for almost robbing her of that moment, but also relieved that she got to have it. What time did she have to wake up to do all of that??

She came from outside as we were still taking it all in. “Happy Winterfest, lovebirds!”

“Mommy… You know you didn’t have to do all of this.”


“I know nothing of the sort! You’re my only child. When you have your babies, you’ll understand.”

“Thank you, Mommy. It’s so beautiful!”

“You’re welcome! I’m just glad to be able to witness this day. If only your daddy could see you all grown up and sexy!”


“I wish he were here too.”