Generation 2 · March 24, 2021 0


The sun began its descent, signaling our snow fun had come to an end. We went home, warmed ourselves by the fire, and talked about random things. I always loved conversations like that because I got to see how sims’ minds worked. Ali was scholarly like Mommy and mentioned reading an article on corruption within the Sulani Conversation group. Admittedly, my mind went immediately to Devonte. Apparently some environmental managers had been selling the exotic fish they confiscated from poachers instead of throwing them back! I didn’t even know there was a black market for fish. The subject got me thinking about Daddy since he occasionally fished, and the conversation drifted from Sulani scandals to parental memories. Then the BEST idea fell on me!

“OOOH! We should go to Sulani tomorrow and get married!!”

He went on a journey. First, he looked at me like I had five heads. Then he gazed at me with the most endearing eyes. But then he turned away to think about it. “You want to elope? Tomorrow?”

“Yeah! Why not? We know how we feel about each other. Why wait? We have the whole rest of our lives to continue getting to know each other. Wouldn’t it be fun? It would feel like we’re dating for the rest of our lives! Oh! And living here will take some stress off you with your job search!”


“Those are all great points, but… Tomorrow? You don’t want a big party and dress shopping and all that stuff?”

“I don’t care about that stuff! I just want to be with you, Ali!”


He was hesitant to agree, and I totally understood. It was very sudden and such a huge move! And he operated at a slower pace than me. But if we were certain about our place in each other’s lives, why continue dating? What would we do besides plan a life that we could have been living? Would he wake up one day and randomly be like “I’m going to propose?” It didn’t make sense! And if planning an epic party, dress shopping, and all that jazz was the only reason to wait, we could save all that money and put it into our business. 

But what if there were other reasons? 

“Do you have doubts about me?” I asked.

It was a genuine question, and I hoped he didn’t think I was trying to guilt trip him.

“No. It’s not that…”

I gasped, remembering his aspiration. “You want a party and stuff?”

His mouth opened and closed a few times. “I…” But then his shoulders dropped. “I want whatever makes you happy.”

“Are you sure? We can plan something for later if it’s that important to you.” I felt bad for not considering his dream. “I’m always jumping ahead. Let’s just forget about it. I shouldn’t have suggested it.”

“No!” He grabbed my chin and wiped a few tears I didn’t realize fell. “Don’t think like that. I love how decisive you are. You always challenge me to think beyond the present, and it’s a good thing. Yes, I always pictured my wedding a certain way, but honestly, as long as you’re there, that’s all that really matters. I just want you too.”

Despite agreeing to my plan, I still felt like I was making him do something he didn’t want. I guess somewhere inside that spoiled brat who didn’t stop until she got what she wanted still existed. Maybe I was still a child. 

For the rest of the night, Ali kept reassuring me that he was happy and anxious about our wedding day. He talked about what he would wear…and what he would do to me that night. He even gave me a little preview.

“I can’t wait to get married to you tomorrow.”


Oh yeah. He convinced me. 😜