Generation 2 · February 6, 2021 0


There’s a baby boom happening in my life right now, and it excites me so much. I visited Aunt Nay and Billie one weekend and found out Billie is expecting! Also, Diamond finally had her baby. It’s a boy! His name is Darius, and I love him so much already. I think he likes me too. Or at least he knows he can trust me. Dogs and babies are similar that way. They feel the vibes we emit and know if we’re good or bad.


The house was kind of quiet–a little too quiet for the amount of people living there. I broke down and asked where Devonte was, and said he moved out a few days ago. Why wouldn’t he mention that when we were dying of silence on our last TWO interactions? He owes me nothing, but that’s the type of thing you mention to your friends! But I had enough being angry for one week, and I didn’t want to upset little Darius. I put it out of my mind. I said I was over Devonte anyway.


Diamond asked me to watch him while she went to do whatever. I will gladly watch him whenever she needed because he mesmerized me. I held him closer to my chest, inhaling that intoxicating newborn scent. Is this what baby fever feels like? I couldn’t tell who he looked like yet, but he was such a handsome boy just like his… Both his parents are very attractive, so he should be dangerously cute soon.

“Sorry I took so long,” she said. “Did he pee on you?”


I laughed so hard. She says the weirdest things sometimes. We sat and chatted for a bit, and I finally got the courage to ask her about Laurant, seeing as how I hadn’t spoken to him in a while. Sadly, she confirmed all my fears but also excited my secret wishes. She said she’s bored with him and listed all the things I think makes him great and said they annoyed her.


That’s so crazy. Wouldn’t he be the exact kind of person she’d want to start a family with? I mean, I know getting pregnant was not part of her plan, and settling down right now is definitely not on the menu. But the fact remains, they have a child now. She should think more about him and less of herself.

“It doesn’t matter anyway,” she said. “I think he’s seeing someone else too.”

Something that felt like lightning ran up my spine, and I felt like she could see the guilt in my eyes. How in the world did I end up being “the other sim??” Why is my life so crazy? I’m two seconds away from canceling all of them and getting a new group of friends who don’t know each other. I tried to keep drama out of my life, but it followed me anyway!

I did my best to act normal and asked why she thought he had someone else. She said whenever she calls, he always has to call her back later because he was out and couldn’t hear his phone. I never heard his phone ring. He must keep it on silent. I diverted her suspicion with one last piece of advice before I made a beeline out of there. If they didn’t want to be together, that’s fine, and I hoped they both found happiness elsewhere. But they’re going to have to come together and figure out how to raise this baby in a peaceful, supportive environment.

“Yeah, yeah. I know. I just wish I weren’t in this situation.”

That made two of us.
