Generation 2 · March 5, 2021 0



This is Kent. He is SimDa date #2 and oh so fine. I loved that he wore a tie. I mean, I wouldn’t have been disappointed if he didn’t but… I just liked his outfit, ok? We went to a lounge in Oasis Springs called The Solar Flare. It was lit. (ba-dum-tiss ) It was amateur comedy night, so I was excited to see the acts. It turns out no one was particularly good, but that was ok because Kent was a goofball just like me and we had our own jokes.


He was a riot and had me laughing all night long. Not only was he funny, but also his silver tongue was locked and loaded, aiming to annihilate me.


I was flattered with a capital F. If I didn’t have high self-esteem (and wasn’t actively trying to get to know the guy), it would have been so easy to get swept away in the sea of compliments. They came one after the other, like stingers from a swarm of bees. But honestly? After a while I was annoyed by it. I seriously wanted to be like, “I know how pretty I am!! Next topic!” I learned very little about him, and every time I asked questions he gave me some throwaway answer and hit me with more flirts. I felt like either he was compensating for not being interesting or having much going on in his life, or he was trying really hard to escalate this date. 

Another annoying thing was he kept yawning. I could understand if it happened once or twice. He didn’t tell me much about his job, but I know he works at some fish farm…or something fishing related. I know fishersims keep early hours. But seriously, dude…am I keeping you up? Every time I wanted to get up and do something, he complained and wanted to stay at the table. Either the bar was too far away, or there were too many stairs to walk up to get a better view of the stage. Watcher forbid he had to go to the second floor to pee. Like, how lazy!


If I were looking for some no strings attached fun, he’d be perfect for that…barring he had skills. But I’m looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. Of course, I didn’t expect to learn everything there was to know about him on the first date. But at least make me curious enough to want to learn more. I want to go on a date and think, OMW I need to see him again…and again! All I know about Kent is he is lazy AF and we would make pretty babies. Hopefully there is more to him than a cute face, but frankly I’m not even curious to find out more.
