Generation 2 · July 18, 2021 0


Today is going to be an amazing day! The most brilliant idea came to me in the shower. Life is so busy and hectic for most of us with families, and it will not get any better. I swore previously I’d do better at maintaining my friendships. This is the beginning of that. If we can’t all get together because of our kids, we’ll get together with the kids! The day after my birthday was Beach Clean Up Day, so I invited everyone to Sulani for a family beach day. I even aged up my baby so she could join in on the fun.


Originally, I was only going to invite Diamond, Laurant, and Gemma because they have children. But Diamond is married to Jaron, so he always ends up being a +1 at all my events…with his ol salty, petty ass.


Even though Lucy doesn’t have children, I would feel bad about inviting Gemma and Diamond without her, so I extended the invitation to her as well. But she’s married to Diamond’s older brother, Duane. Even though I don’t care how Devonte feels about anything because I’m over his shenanigans and have moved on, I invited him as well, since all the Clemons clan were coming.


I hope his nephew has more of Laurant’s temperament because he looks like a Devonte Jr. Unfortunately, he’s been a bit of a handful since his teen birthday. Hopefully Laurant can get him under control before it’s too late.


With most of my high school friends on the guest list, I had to invite Dwayne. How would that look to invite everyone but him? Good thing I have two toddlers now. I spent most of the afternoon running after them, making sure they didn’t go too far in the water and playing with them. He was a huge distraction for me.


Even though Laurant was on the original guest list, I was nervous about inviting him. When we last spoke, I feel like I had finally gotten through to him and we had an understanding. For real this time. But it’s hard to forget all the previous failed conversations. However, I need to trust that he understood and honor what I said I’d do: see him when we get our children together. I talked it over with Ali, and he agreed it was ok to invite him. I was relieved to see him well behaved. He watched me and Alessia build a sandcastle and commented on how beautiful and coordinated she is already.


I don’t know about the coordinated part, seeing as how she was more interesting in playing with the sand than stacking it on our masterpiece. (sigh) Bath time is going to be really fun tonight.
