Generation 2 · April 15, 2021 0


We got back home around 8:30. I didn’t mean to stay out so long, but I felt really good, and it was nice spending time with Shiloh. I guess I was feeling a little nostalgic. 

Ali must have had a hard day because I found him fast asleep. It was much too early for me to go to bed, and I was super energized by that walk. I remembered seeing a light on at the Pancakeses house, so I showered and waddled across the street to visit Dwayne. Far too much time had passed since we last caught up, and there was so much we needed to discuss.


Of course, he had to get the jokes about me being pregnant out of his system first. “I’m glad I didn’t bet any money on you cuz I sho thought you’d have ‘bout 15 babies by now.”

😑 Everyone thinks he’s a comedian.


“You look like you have 15 of ‘em in there!”

😑😑😑  He better be glad I loved him. 


It was funny how everyone had opinions on what we were having when I didn’t. But every time I heard a new speculation, I wanted to know my baby’s gender more and more. Hopefully Ali wanted to know so we could find out together.

I tried in vain to get Dwayne to try SimDa. He was too much of a great guy to be single, and far too gorgeous to be childless. “Isn’t it illegal in Willow Creek to let good genes go to waste?”

“OHHHHH!!! Someone’s been reading the bylaws! Nice one, Ki!”

No one called me that anymore. It was kind of nice to hear.


Being reminded of my old life was a nice segue into the other thing I wanted to discuss. “Laurant’s mother died…”

He sighed and went back to watching TV. 

“What should I do?”

He turned off the TV. “I thought you were done with him.”

My head jerked back so fast. Of course I was done with him! Dwayne went to my wedding! He just felt my baby! How could he suggest I was still stuck on Laurant??


“You’re playing with fire! You wanna go over there and let him sweet talk you? Let him cry on your shoulder while he feels you up?”

Would he do that? Laurant behaved questionably when he was upset with me, but he was a good guy. He wouldn’t violate me and try to sabotage my marriage, would he? Dwayne was just being dramatic. He was always extra regarding Laurant.

“He’s not your friend anymore, KiKi, so stop trying to save something that’s already dead.”

That hurt. Not because it was mean, but because it was true. I left the door open in case things could be normal between us again, but how could they? Besides, I already knew the answer before I even asked Dwayne for his opinion. I wouldn’t have asked if I thought everything would be ok. Everyone should have a friend like Dwayne.

The time ran away from me and I needed to get home. Not to mention I was starving again. “I appreciate you, Dwayne. You always keep me straight.”

He snorted. “Somebody has to.”
