Generation 2 · March 25, 2021 0


We scheduled the wedding for Winterfest night so the guests could enjoy the holiday with their families first. Good thing too, because it took sooooo long to get ready! Mommy made a traditional vegetable island feast the old-fashioned way on the BBQ pit. Getting the dogs fed, walked, and bathed took a lot longer than usual, and by the time they were squared away, it was time for the guests to arrive. We originally wanted to get married on the beach, so our outfits were more beachy than traditional. But backyards and beaches were both casual, so hopefully the theme still worked. Regardless, we still looked amazing.


Speaking of looking amazing, no one ever looked better than my mom. No one. She always had a way to be the best looking person in the room. I’m glad I wasn’t a bridezilla because she certainly upstaged me. I didn’t mind, though. I came from her. When I’m her age, I expect to be snatched too! Watcher bless my parents’ genes.


I invited my friends, and Mommy couldn’t help inviting hers too. While it was nice to see them all again, it made me sad to see them so old. Soon, one by one, they’d be gone. But that was not something I wanted to think about on my wedding day.


I was so happy to see Gemma because I honestly didn’t know if she would come seeing as how she recently had a baby. Even though I hadn’t spoken to Trevor, her brother, since my birthday, I felt weird about not inviting him. He was my first friend back in grade school. I was actually closer to him than Gemma in those days. He got married shortly after we graduated but didn’t bring his wife.


I didn’t invite Jaron, but he was Diamond’s plus one so…whatever. Dwayne had a front-row seat in my life and needed no invitation. I briefly entertained the idea of inviting Laurant, but decided against it. If there was even a chance of him starting drama, I couldn’t risk it. Eventually, I’m sure he’d find a way to be happy for me. 

Finally, I invited Lucy and her husband, Duane—Diamond and Devonte’s older brother. But she was sick and couldn’t make it, so she sent her congratulations through him. That was perfectly fine by me as long as he and his sister didn’t invite Devonte.
