Generation 2 · March 8, 2021 0


“You’re really gorgeous,” someone with my voice said.

He blushed and said thank you, making him even more gorgeous. There’s nothing worse than a sim who thinks his own handsomeness is a gift to the world. I introduced myself, and he told me his name was Ali (pronounced “alley”). I asked if it was short for something, and he said Alessandro. The way he rolled the R sent chills down my spine. Oh yeah…I’m in love.


More people crowded the bar, and Ali was visibly bothered. Crowds don’t bother me much, but it was getting to be a bit much. I asked if he wanted to go somewhere quieter. He looked relieved and accepted my invitation. I forgot all about the drink I ordered. Ali’s face and pleasant voice was way more refreshing anyway. 

We sat in the back of lounge while some old guy told lame jokes. I still couldn’t stop staring at Ali, but if I didn’t say something fast, it would get weird, and he’d leave. I apologized for staring and told him again how handsome he was. Again, he was flattered, but this time he returned the compliment. I think I may have died for three seconds.


We played the get to know you game for a little while, and I am happy to announce I find him very interesting. It wasn’t anything in particular he said, but the way he spoke and worded things… I don’t know. There was a level of intelligence I hadn’t experienced outside my parents who were both geniuses. Ok, they’re not actual geniuses, but they’re both super smart. 

Ali is in between jobs right now. But the story behind the situation made me feel for him. He worked at this one place ever since he graduated. He got a few promotions under his belt, saved his money, and bought a little house a few months ago. A few weeks ago, they let him go! How sad! Just when he got comfortable and things were going well, they kicked the chair from under him. In the meantime, he’s freelancing as an artist. It sucks that he doesn’t have a job, but I love how he didn’t waste time and wallow in sorrow. He was resourceful and figured out a way to make ends meet. Even still, he got upset sometimes. Who wouldn’t? That was a major blow. When he got upset, he kept to himself. Tonight, he had enough of his own company, got dressed up, and came to the same club as me, but it was too much for him. I should have been sympathetic of his situation, but all I could think was how grateful I was for choosing this club tonight!

As I listened to him, I had the best thought! I was previously undecided about who should accompany me to the fall festival. I am now decided. I knew it had the potential to be weird, seeing as how we just met and all, but that was a risk I was willing to take. I asked Ali if he would attend the fall festival with me, and he said yes!! (sigh) Those eyes. They will be the death of me.
