Generation 3 · April 3, 2024 0

3.101 Cash money

I took Kooper for a nice long walk, which was something we didn’t do often. He was chill and required less physical activity than Rosie, so I always favored her when I wanted company on my jogs. Even though he could have gone without, he appreciated the time together and smiled the entire time. When we got home, Sophia was standing at the door giving me that look. I unleashed Kooper as quickly as I could and whisked her away into our love den. Being on vacation in a fancy house was cool and all, but nothing compared to our own bed. I think we were trying to show it how much we missed it and lingered there until our stomachs growled around dinnertime. Afterward, we attempted to settle on the couch in the office, but we were intercepted by a huge pile of presents. I forgot that was a thing sims did at weddings. Sophia was overjoyed at the sight; it felt like Winterfest all over again.

I let her open the first two from my parents, but then she handed me a box that had my name on it. I thought it was odd that the sender would single me out when the gift should have been for both of us. But when I saw it was from Dub, I understood.

“It’s from Dub! Oh, there’s a card…”

I couldn’t believe it and had to sit down and read it again. He had no idea how much of a blessing that was for us. Or maybe he did. Whatever the case, I was elated, and humbled, and determined, and proud, and all the other positive emotions. Our friendship was such a beautiful thing. Not because he gave me money, but because it was pure. It had no conditions or warnings or complications. He was the kind of friend I always wanted.

Eventually, it hit me that Sophia and I were about to come into a bunch of money and we could accomplish our dreams a lot sooner than later. I started dancing in my seat.

“A money tree? I didn’t think they were real,” Sophia said.

“Isn’t it great?? If it grows fast enough, we could be in our house by next week!”

That thought excited me even more, and I danced even wilder.

“It’s a very generous gift,” she said hesitantly, “but…”

Like a record scratch in the club, I stopped. Party done.

“What’s wrong? With all the money we’re about to have, you’ll never have to work again if you don’t want to. We can go on vacations and stay as long as we want, buy our kids whatever they want… Hell, maybe I won’t have to worry about teaching classes anymore. It’s gonna be great!”

Her hands flew to her hips, and I knew I’d messed up somehow.

“No, Luca! This is what I mean! I like who we are. Money has a way of changing sims, and I don’t want that. I thought you taught yoga because you were passionate about it. Why would you stop? Are you doing it for the money?”

“I am passionate about it! But it’s also how I make a living. If I didn’t have to worry about making money, maybe I wouldn’t have to worry about going from spa to spa, begging for a chance to teach!”

Her eyes flicked open, like she just realized something.

“But that’s why you’re going to open a studio.”

“Yeah, but…” I sank back in the chair and let out all the air in my lungs. “That was my mom’s idea. It’s a good one, and sometimes I want to do it too. But sometimes I want my own plan. Everything I’ve done has been her idea, and…”

“So…you don’t want a studio?”

“I don’t know!”

She gasped.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just…it’s complicated. You want me to return the seed, then?”

She sighed.

“No. That will be an insult to Dub and his family…” She sighed again and paced the room, searching for a solution that would satisfy us both. “It would be nice to move into our house before the baby comes, but I don’t want this to get out of control.”

Something like a bolt of lightning struck through my soul, and I felt my eyes grow as large as the sun.

“The baby?! Are you-“

She gasped again.

“I’m sorry! That came out wrong! I just meant it would be nice to be settled in our home before we start having babies.”

“So…we’re not having a baby?”

“Not at the moment.”

I was a little bit disappointed, to be honest. Her slip up shocked me at first, but I was kind of excited about it.

“Alright, so what do you suggest we do?” I asked.

“I just think we need a plan. Put some controls on it so we don’t go crazy.”

Heh, I know she said we, but she totally meant me. Whatever.

“We don’t know how much money it’s going to give us,” she continued. “So what if we just take what we need to get our house and cover ourselves for a few months?”

“Alright… But what happens after that?”

“It can just sit there until an emergency comes up. Or when our kids want to move out or go to university or get married or…whatever.”

The plan wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but at least she wasn’t completely opposed. This very much felt like one of those pick your battles moments, so I conceded.

“Okay fine. We can do it that way. Let’s get this thing in the ground.”

We went outside and picked a spot to plant it. I laughed when I took the seed out of the box.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“This seed! It’s cash shaped like a flower! What kind of wizardry is this?”

I dug a hole, dumped the seed, covered it, and poured some water on it. Then, I stood over it, watching as if something were supposed to happen.

“Grow fast, little guy. I want to be in our new house as soon as possible.”

Before going back into the house, I sent Dub a message to thank him for the gift.