Generation 3 · May 19, 2024 0

3.117 The other shoe

We started the night at a bar in a fancy rooftop hotel in San Myshuno. Sophia and I didn’t bother dressing up because our only goal was to meet the man that had my sister all googly-eyed, and that didn’t involve nice clothes. Jace Laurent was his name. He was from Tartosa and frequented the bar where we had the party. His fancy job title didn’t fool me once he explained the role. He said he was a nano-simfluencer for a company called Trend Team. Apparently, he was heavily into fashion and was seeking the attention of brands on social media so he could score an endorsement deal. Basically, he was unemployed. True, I was technically unemployed too, but at least I left home and come back with money like normal working sims.

But after a while, I had to admit he wasn’t as much of a schmuck as I thought he’d be. He was definitely weird, but seemed like he’d be kinda fun to hang out with once we got to know each other better.

“Would you stop grilling him??” Alessia shouted.

“I’m not grilling! I’m just trying to get to know him. Isn’t that what you want?”

“Yeah, but stop with the 20 Questions!”

“How else am I supposed to get to know him, Less??”

Like, seriously! What was up with her? First she yelled at Sophia on Winterfest for trying to stay in the conversation and get to know her, and now this? I hoped ol’ dude was up to handle her moods because if I couldn’t win with her, no one could.

“Don’t mind her,” Jace said. “She’s just a little pregnant.”

“I’m sorry…WHAT?!

His proud, smug face melted into discomfort and mortification.

“Oh no…she didn’t tell you.”

“We’re in love, Luca,” Alessia shouted. “I asked him to move in.”

So many questions buzzed around my brain like a swarm of bees, but the frustration flowing through my veins was stronger than the urge to get answers. I was so done with this seemingly endless stream of accidental pregnancies around me! The mere thought of another person turning up pregnant ignited a fiery anger within me so intense I could almost taste it. Okay…I wouldn’t actually resort to violence, but the urge to lash out, to release my pent-up frustration, was as real as all these unborn babies in my life.

“We have to go,” I said, getting up from the table.

Alessia yelled after us, questioning our abrupt departure, but I didn’t care. My only goal was to seek shelter in the safety of my home because the fortress I built around my emotions had finally been breached. Falling apart was imminent now. As soon as I crossed the threshold, the pressure that had been building up all week erupted from my mouth as I hollered. I never felt so out of control before. I paced, tugged on my hair, and screamed some more. Sophia stood off to the side for a moment, watching, allowing me to get it out, but then she marched up to me and embraced me tightly as if she were trying to squeeze hope back into me. We collapsed onto the couch and cried together. I probably should have waited to tell her about my hospital visit, but how much more could it hurt? We were already at the bottom.

“Sophia,” I said through my tears, “I gotta tell you something.”

She sat up to hear my story and wiped my face.

“I went to the doctor. That’s where I was earlier… I have low fertility too. I’m so sorry!”

To my surprise, she didn’t sink deeper into despair, like I thought she would. She held my hand and showed me the most incredible display of bravery I had ever seen.

“Awwwww, Luca! Are you okay? This isn’t your fault. It’s no one’s fault. It just…is.”

I knew she was right, but life really sucked at the moment, and I didn’t know how to withstand against all those blows anymore. I thought I was strong enough, but now my wife had to hold me up.

“It’s just not fair,” I yelled. “Alessia, Yasmine…and even Dub! None of them were trying to get pregnant! Why won’t it happen for us? I feel like we’re being punished for something, but I don’t know what it is! I just want to start a family with you. What’s so bad about that?? I’ve done everything to stay positive and hopeful, but I can’t do it anymore! I can’t do it, Sophia!”

She wiped my tears and tried to soothe me, telling me it was going to be okay, just like I did for her at the beginning of all this.

“Hey…listen…we can’t give up yet, babe. We’ve got one more trick up our sleeve! How about tomorrow I do the IVF? Forget those treatments!”

“Are you sure? That’s surgery.

“It’s outpatient. This is my last chance to carry my own child. I have to take it.”

“Okay. But only if you want to. I’m fine with adoption if you change your mind, but…I really hope it works.”

“Me too.”