Generation 3 · May 20, 2024 0

3.118 One last time

Sophia decided to go through the IVF process alone. While I would never understand why she wouldn’t want me there, I respected her decision and waited nervously at home for her return. I was beside myself and paced around the house for hours. I really wanted to go for a nice long jog, but I also didn’t want to miss her coming home as we had no idea how long it would take. So, there I was, trapped in our beautiful new home, hoping Sophia was comfortable and safe, but also thinking about our baby. We weren’t the only ones thinking about it. Mama had been shopping for it ever since we moved in. I was certain we’d still have a baby shower so we could share our joy with the rest of our family and friends, but with all the stuff she already bought, did we really need one?

Finally, what felt like an eternity later, Sophia walked through the door, and I sprang toward her and squeezed tight.

“Hey!! How did it go? Are you alright? Did it hurt?”

“I’m fine. Not sure I’d want to do that again, but I’m okay.”

We sat on the couch, and I was so relieved to have her back in one piece.

“So…how do you feel?” I asked.

“Veeery anxious.”

“Yeah… Me too… So…how long do we have to wait for it to work?”

“They didn’t say. I almost want to take a test right now.”

“It would be dope to find out tomorrow, right? Best birthday present ever.”

She went all doe-eyed on me.

“Awww! That would be a nice gift. But…what if it’s too early? I don’t want yet another negative test hanging over me on my day.”

“I get it. So, when will you do it?”

“Right now!”


“Why not? Let’s get it out of the way in case it didn’t take yet and I can be over it by tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

She got up and headed toward the bathroom.

“No, but it’s never stopped me before.”

So, there I was again, alone, nervous, and restless, but also hopeful. Her doctor presented three different options for artificial insemination, and IVF had the highest chance of success. It had to work. With Sophia’s good health and strength, there was no reason to doubt it.

“HOLY FRUITCAKE,” Sophia shouted from the bathroom.

I dashed in there as fast as I could, panicked and anxious.

“Sophia?? What’s wrong? Are you alright??”

She sat there with her mouth gaped, staring at the test for a moment.

“It worked! It freakin’ worked!!”

“It did???? Are you serious?? I’m-You’re-A baby?! HA! Oh, WOW! I’m gonna be a dad!”

Sophia crashed into me, forcing us out into the foyer.

“We’re having a baby!!”

When she finally released me, I bent over and placed my hands gently on her womb and gazed at our little miracle.

“There’s really a baby in there?!”

Sophia laughed and cried tears of joy.

“Yes, it’s real. Finally!”

I got on my knees and hugged her belly, relieved that we had finally done it.

“This is so magical! Can you hear me in there? I’m your dad! And I love you and your mom so much!”