Generation 3 · September 17, 2023 0

3.12 Bombs over Newcrest

Mama always had good ideas, and her candle business thrived because of it. Things were going so well, she bought a candle making station and setup shop in the sunroom to work from home whenever she wanted. I was so lucky to have her close by when I needed guidance, and even luckier to try this yoga business without risk. If I had moved out, I’d probably still be at the gym shaking hands with yoga instructors, waiting for them to tap me on the shoulder. Mama was always good to us. Even though I drew much inspiration from her, I wanted to think it through on my own because my access to her won’t always be this convenient. To be successful, I needed to stand on my own two feet. After our conversation, I went outside immediately for my morning yoga. One routine I learned from SimTube made me feel super focused and sharp, so I did that one to get my thoughts together.

I finished my routine, showered, and headed downstairs for breakfast and found Less already eating. She had a tiny grin on her face, which I was glad to see. Ever since we got home from vacation, she’d been so moody. I never knew which version of her I would get every day, but I welcomed happy Less, especially because I needed someone to be excited with me.

“I’m gonna start my yoga business!”

“For real?? You finally got a job at the gym??”

“Nah. Mama gave me a really idea. I’m gonna do sessions here. In the yard!”

“Oooh, yes! That’s perfect!”

“I can’t wait to get started!”

The excitement buried inside exploded all over the kitchen, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

“I’m happy for you, Luca. You’re gonna be amazing. Before you know it, you’ll have the whole town coming here instead of the gym.”

“Thanks. But I’m not trying to shut down the gym. I just want to show sims a healthy way to manage their emotions. Maybe if everyone in Newcrest started doing yoga, we’d have a more peaceful city.”

“Heh, yeah. Sounds very utopian. But if anyone can do it, it’s you.”

“Thanks, sis. That means a lot.”

I knew she loved and looked up to me, but she never expressed it in words before, and that felt great.

“Well, while we’re all sharing good news,” she said, “I have some of my own!”

My eyebrow went up as I anticipated this news. I couldn’t recall her contemplating anything that would warrant an announcement.

“I’m moving to Mt. Komorebi,” she shouted.

I almost choked on my eggs.

“Wait, what??

“I’m leaving tomorrow!”

TOMORROW?! Less! This is crazy! How-“

“I’m not happy here!”

Wow. That felt like a slap on my cheek. How could she not be happy? We had everything we needed and were free to live life on our own terms, within reason. Mama didn’t pressure us for anything. What’s not to love about that?

“I haven’t been truly happy since we were on vacation,” she continued. “I need to go back! Maybe not forever, but for a while. You understand, right?”

“I…guess,” I said after much hesitation. “But…tomorrow?

We had been thick as thieves our whole lives. Though I never expected things to remain that way, I always thought I’d be the one to separate us. This isn’t a slight to her, but no one ever imagined she’d be the first one to leave.

“I’m gonna miss you the most, big brother. You always took care of me, and I appreciated that more than you’ll know. But I think it’s time I learn to take care of myself.”

And just like that, my little sister grew up on me, and I was both proud and sad. She already knew how to take care of herself. Hell, sometimes she took care of me. But for whatever reason, she didn’t see it. Even though I preferred her to stay, I hoped she’d find what she needed over there. With any luck, she’d be back soon to tell us of all her adventures.