Generation 3 · May 25, 2024 0

3.120 Joyous occasion

I woke up, revving with excitement about the day’s festivities. Today, we celebrated that blessed day Sophia Aguilar came into the world. Regardless of the circumstance, I was beyond grateful her mother chose to give birth. And now, as Sophia Murillo, we’d also open our home and welcome family and friends for the first time. The icing on the cake would be announcing our new family member. There was nothing about this day that was not joyous. Even the weather was perfect. True, every day in San Sequoia seemed to be perfect, but I couldn’t have asked for a better first day of summer. The warm temperature, accompanied by a cool breeze, was perfect for our outdoor festivities.

One by one, our guests trickled in, starting with Rashidah, then Less, Maira, Shirley, and Mama. Shirley was brimming with excitement because it was also her birthday and she couldn’t wait to be big, she said. I hadn’t known her long, but it was crazy to me how fast children grew up. Actually, all the little girls in my life were grown or near grown now. Chi Chi’s daughter, Luna, was a grown woman. Orion, our neighbor, was a teenager, and now Shirley. Wow. Even the little sims in my life were females. Thank Watcher for Dub. I couldn’t wait for him and Maia to be our neighbors.

Alessia arrived upset, and I assumed she was still mad about us leaving the bar so abruptly. But it was her pregnancy that had her face all frowned up. She loved Jace and was eager to create a life with him, but children were not part of that equation. I was kind of relieved to hear her sounding more like herself, but I hated she wasn’t looking forward to having a baby. If only she knew what Sophia and I went through to get to where we were, maybe she’d appreciate what she accidentally walked into.

As she complained about the changes in her body and being sick all the time, Mama smiled at me as she slipped past us and went into the house. That was weird, so I ditched Less’ pity party to go after her. I found her in the kitchen, standing in front of the sink. At first, I thought she was waiting for the tea maker to brew, but she was just standing there staring at nothing. Between her arriving without Dwayne and now this weird behavior, I knew something serious was up. I needed to get started on Sophia’s cake anyway, so I gathered my ingredients and tools and got started.

“Is Dwayne running late?” I asked, casually.

“No. Umm…he’s not coming.”

“Oh. What’s going on with you two?”

She sighed. Even with her back toward me, I knew her eyes rolled, and her face wrinkled into a scowl.

“That child… I guess she told you.”

“She didn’t know the details, but she said she heard you arguing. What happened?”

She hesitated, shifting her weight and sighing some more.

“He’s fed up with me.”

My imagination formed all kinds of answers to my next question. Most of them involved my dad.


“Because I haven’t given him an answer yet.”

I almost dropped the egg I was about to crack.

“He proposed?!”

I was oddly excited but also frustrated. I wouldn’t say Dwayne and I were friends, but I didn’t mind him now. It is what it is, you know? He was the one who made my mom happy. Bonus points for him understanding the situation and being respectful of everyone’s feelings. Plus, he really was a good dude. I let all that drama go a while back, so he was welcome in my life if he chose to be part of it. With that in mind, I didn’t appreciate Mama stringing him along all that time.

“A while ago,” she said. “I wasn’t ready then.”

“Sounds like you’re still not,” I spat.

“I don’t appreciate your tone, Luca.”

“I’m sorry, Mama, but I just don’t get it. Everyone has moved on. Even Dad! Why are you still waffling on this? Don’t you love him?”

“Of course I do!”

“So what gives??”

“If I knew, I wouldn’t be in this position! I want to say yes, but something inside won’t let me!”

I didn’t mean to upset her and relented.

“Okay. I’m sorry. I just want you to be free of this, Mama.”

“That makes two of us. Especially now. I need to get out of that house.”

All the alarms began blaring as I entered into protect mode.

“Is it that Jason?? What did he do?”

Jace. It’s not him. It’s Alessia. If you and Sophia decided to move back home, I’d be totally fine and comfortable with it. But Alessia is different now, and I’m not comfortable living with them. I feel like a third wheel in my own house. How bad would it be if I accepted the proposal just to get away from them?”

“I’m not even gonna answer that. Besides, you know she’s gonna need help with the baby.”

“And Sophia won’t?”

“Sophia is prepared. Less never wanted this.”


I heard the front door open and shut and wanted to see who arrived.

“Can you finish this?”

“Sure, go ahead. I got it.”

I found Dad in the living room, staring out our beautiful window. He turned around when he heard me, and I noticed he shaved down his beard. I smirked at the thought of my parents doing everything they could to keep from looking as old as they were. When I reach their age, I’d like to think I’d embrace the process, but I had no idea what it was like, so we’ll see what I do.

“This is such a nice view,” he said.

“The best,” I replied.

“And the house is gorgeous. You did it all yourselves?”

I laughed at the question hidden between the lines.

Yes, we did. Mama was not invited this time.”

“Good for you. I’m so proud and happy for you two.”

In the corner of my eye, I saw Sophia had finally come out of the bathroom and headed upstairs to put on her makeup. She had so much hair and always took her time bending every strand to her will. It was no wonder she always looked amazing.

“You wanna know a secret?” I asked.

I waited until I heard her enter our room to tell him.

“Sophia is pregnant,” I whispered. “Mama hasn’t seen her yet, so don’t say anything.”

His eyes watered just as I imagined they would, and he embraced me, squeezing tight.

“Congratulations, son. I am so glad to hear that. My heart is so full!”

“Thanks, Dad. We didn’t want to say anything, but it’s been quite the journey.”

“Oh no. Really?”

“I’ll tell you about it someday, but it’s behind us now.”

“That’s right. The little one is here, and it is already so loved.”