Generation 3 · June 3, 2024 0

3.124 Celebrate new life

Mama really outdid herself, as I anticipated. Tables with beautiful floral arrangements lined the backyard, balloons and streamers covered the fence, delicious looking food filled the air with a savory sweet scent, and a table already overflowing with gifts awaited us. She’d stop at nothing to make us feel special and decided to make it a double shower because it didn’t make sense to celebrate Less another day, especially because she was due first. Speaking of… She still didn’t look pregnant. It was safe to say that before Alessia and Sophia I didn’t know much about pregnancy and what women went through. I learned quickly that every pregnancy was truly unique.

I hoped deep inside she was grateful for what Mama did for us, despite still moping around unhappily. Maybe hearing our story would give her some perspective.

I invited Maira on autopilot because she was a good friend and had a permanent invite to every event we had. As the day went on, however, I wondered if that had been a mistake. We never got to finish our conversation, and once again, I didn’t have a lot of time to speak to her. It was the nature of parties to be pulled around every which way, but I still felt guilty, especially since she stood by herself, staring into space the whole time. Come hook or crook, I’d find some time for her later in the week because I already knew it wouldn’t happen at the party.