Generation 3 · June 3, 2024 0

3.125 Gossip queen

Mama came barreling toward me like a freight train with glee in her eyes. She stopped within whispering distance and tickled my ear with some very unexpected, upsetting, yet exciting news about Alessia. Apparently, she was expecting triplets! As small as she was, she had the nerve to be carrying THREE babies?! How? Where?? If our baby was a sweet potato, hers must have been three sweet peas. WOW!! At first, I was excited about all the cousins and instant playmates my daughter would have. As children of two only children, we didn’t get to have extended family, and I loved that Less and I were starting our families at the same time. But she never wanted any of this, and I knew why she didn’t look happy. I wished there was something I could do to make her see this situation better. I’d still tell her our story, but I knew it wouldn’t help now. Hopefully Jace was more excited about becoming a parent than she was.

After that bit of news, Mama took a step back and put on her serious mom face. She asked why we waited to tell her about the baby. I knew this conversation was coming at some point today, but it was not the right moment for such a grim tale. But I knew she wouldn’t let me go without giving her something, so I tried to keep it light and gave her a happier abridged version, saying we were really excited about it and went out to celebrate. We arrived home late, and with the party the next day, we opted to wait and tell everyone at the same time. But she saw the gaping holes in my story and demanded the details. I shook my head at my nosy gossip fiend. I kissed her on the cheek and told her this was not the time or place, but we would talk later.