Generation 3 · June 27, 2024 0

3.138 Fam

Mama wanted to meet Desi, but she was fussy and wet, so I changed her first. I knew Mama was perfectly capable of doing it herself, having had two babies of her own. But Desi was my birthday gift, and everyone was allowed to be a little selfish on birthdays. Mama didn’t mind, though. As a matter of fact, I think she rather enjoyed seeing me in dad mode. At least I could feel her smiling at me from behind.

She was captivated by her, as we all were, at first glance, and gasped when she noticed her blue eyes.

“Say hello to your gra-Wait…what’s your grandma name going to be?” I asked.

My grandma was Gammy because that was the best way I could pronounce grandma at the time, and it just stuck.

Oh…I guess I haven’t really thought about it. I don’t really have a preference, I think.”

“I guess we’ll try grandma and see what happens,” I said.

“She’s so gorgeous. And you’re so good with her. I’m so proud of you, bud!”

Later, Maira left, saying I should enjoy my family. Under normal circumstances, I would have told her she could stay and hang with us, but I didn’t that time. I was honestly low-key relieved when she left. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her around anymore, but we really needed the family time, and I felt like everyone was holding back with her there. Sure enough, as soon as she left, everyone kicked back and let loose how we do. Even Alessia got in a few laughs, and I was glad to see it. Sophia hadn’t quite learned how to jump in, especially after Less bit her head off that time, but knowing her, she probably had just as much fun watching all of us as we yammered on about whatever.