Generation 3 · June 30, 2024 0

3.139 Buzz kill

The next day, I noticed Sophia getting around better and looking more lively, so I seized the opportunity to go meet my niece and nephews, with her blessing, of course. When I arrived, a less angry, more serious Alessia greeted me, and I was glad to see her getting better as well. Even though our birthdays were mere days apart, I had always viewed her as a little sister. But if I had gotten older and wiser, so did she. Maybe this situation caused her to mature very quickly. Jace’s actions were beyond her control, and stewing in anger every day didn’t get her anywhere. I told her I was proud of how she handled it, murderous thoughts aside.

“Don’t applaud me yet,” she said. “I still dream about killing him.”

“No one would fault you for that, Less. What he did was foul, and I personally want to lay hands on him.”

She smiled, shaking her head at me.

“I still can’t believe my super Jedi Zen brother wants to hurt someone.”

“Everyone has limits, sis. Now, can I please meet the babies?”

As we walked up the stairs, I heard one of them crying.

“I’m coming, Lex,” Alessia shouted.

“How do you know which one it is?”

Well, dear brother, when you’re trapped in the house with them 24/7, you learn a lot of things,” she said in a snarky tone.

She went straight to his bassinet, picked him up, and fed him, and I watched her in awe.

“See? I told you it was in you,” I said.

“Yeah, yeah. They’re not so bad when they’re not screaming at you. That’s right! You’re not so bad…cute little devil.”

She looked at him so lovingly. I knew despite the rough road she would have, everything would be okay.

“So you must be Arvin, then,” I said, picking up the other boy. “Do you remember my voice? I’m Uncle Luca!”

Less asked if I could watch them for a little while so she could do some things around the house, and once again, she impressed me. I had never seen her even wash a dish before, and now she talked about taking care of the house? Motherhood did her some good, I suppose. That, or she was that desperate to get away from the babies.

I put Arvin down and met the young queen, Breanna. She had green eyes, just like Dwayne. I shook my head as I thought about his situation. The poor man invested all that time and emotional energy into their relationship only for Mama to abandon him at the end of his life. He had always been so supportive and understanding of the complexities of our family dynamics, and even the complexities of their own relationship. I’m glad he finally stood up for himself, but it was just so sad.

When Alessia came back, I told her I’d love to stay but needed to go because I told Sophia I wouldn’t be long. Mama caught me as I stepped onto the porch and said she needed to talk to me. I tried to tell her I’d call her tomorrow and that I needed to get home, but she insisted.

“I don’t have long, Luca,” she said in a stern tone.


“No whining. You’re going to listen to me, now. This is happening whether you want it to or not, and I want you to be prepared!”

She was right. My parents had been trying to talk about their pending demise, but I didn’t want to hear it. And it wasn’t like I hadn’t noticed them getting older. But I still wanted to build that treehouse with Dad, and I wanted Mama to drop by unannounced with suitcases filled with gifts for Desiree and the dogs. I still looked forward to them being there when she got home from her first day of school. But none of that would happen, and I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

“I’m listening,” I said.

“I want you to bury me next to Mommy.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And I want you to have that other painting she did.”

Tears wet my cheek, so I nodded so my voice wouldn’t break.

“I don’t want a funeral. Have a party and dance. Don’t cry because you wish I was still here. I didn’t always do things right, but I lived, Luca. Celebrate that.”

“A party, though?”

“Party! Promise me you’ll take care of your sister. She’s gonna need you more than ever now.”

“I always do, Mama.”

“I know you do. You’ve been such a great big brother. I’m so proud to call you my son. You’re everything I wanted. If all I did was be your mom, I’d still die happy and fulfilled.”

“How can you be so casual about this?”

“I told you. I had a full life. If I could spend more time with you, I would. But I know you’ll be alright. I get to be with my parents again! Why would I be sad about that?”

I had so many thoughts swirling through my head and so many unanswered questions. I felt anxious about running out of time to get answers, and that conversation seemed like the perfect time to bring them up. But at the moment, none of that seemed to matter anymore. I wanted her to enjoy whatever time she had left, rather than bombarding her with uncomfortable questions. I was a very grown man who could figure things out for myself.

“You’ve been a good mom. I may not always agree with you, but that never changed how much I loved you. I just want you to know that.”

“I know that, buddy.”

“I know you know, but I haven’t said it enough. Thanks…for everything.”

“It’s been my pleasure, Luca.”